Imetlaa concert in Al Hoceima – Izran

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  1. juba_xl says:

    wow!! i really love this song.. thank you agraw alot…for sure thanks Imatlaa..

  2. juba_xl says:

    it’s a great song.. i really love it.. thank you Agraw for the efforts… for sure thanks to imatlaa…

  3. alay says:

    t9adighkaniw imatla3 ayuz iyani itganjan sathmazight nagh mani ma djan

  4. azul marra taraw n lhuciema isbah ughnnij n imtla3 macha azzugh zzi ayt matngh irifyen ad ssengh min yazzu umghnaj n imtla3 ad yeni di izli nes ;dinni zzin itruh s taman
    twarigh bli digs chawyt “ihana” infamie” i timazighinn n arrif ….razugh tamararut = ljawab .tanmirt

  5. hamid says:

    3la sibbat nnem adkeyfeg jwanath

  6. hamid says:

    amazigh lladina yatamayyazoun b ttawl wa llawn ach9ar

  7. Samir says:

    Imetlaa, the best Ambassadeurs of the Amazigh/Rif Music in the World!

  8. Bravo i Groupou n Imetlaa.
    Groupou amezgrarou gi el mundo n musica tamazight igi stat3en adh ye3jeb ibezzaf n yewdan bara i arif dh bara i marreucos!
    Viva otra vez y vava tambien Agraw!

  9. wafae says:

    viva amazigh viva alhoceima

  10. mohamed said says:

    viva amazight atlas sous rifffff viva amazightttttt

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