History & Civilization

The 90th Anniversary of the Republic of Rif

The 90th Anniversary of the Republic of Rif
The republic of Rif (1921-1926). Abdelkarim Al Khattabi It was in September 18th 1921, When the Republic of Rif was created and the Rifian declared their independence from the Spanish occupation in the northern part of Morocco. Abdelkarim Al Khattbi, was the man behind the unification of the Rifian tribes, and the leader of the rifian revolution against the Spanish occupation. The republic was a military and political association of tribes living... 

Muhend Abdelkrim – ‘Di Dewla n Ripublik’ By Aumer U Lamara

Muhend Abdelkrim – ‘Di Dewla n Ripublik’ By Aumer U Lamara
Muhend Abdelkrim – ‘Di Dewla n Ripublik’ By Aumer U Lamara (« Di Dewla n Ripublik » / « At the time of the Republic », as we still say in the Rif, and also in other regions of Morocco, when speaking about the Rif Republic). The Rif Republic was built in Februry 1923 in the battle,  honor and intelligence. It has been the starting event for the worldwide movement against colonialism in the way of struggles for political independence,... 

Cadi Kaddur: Who is he?

Cadi Kaddur: Who is he?
Cadi Kaddour From the title above, you get the impression that he is still alive. Of course he is always alive in our memories even if Kaddour Cadi passed away on 15 September 1995 in a tragic car accident. His death came as a shock to both those who knew him in person and those who knew him through his work. To those who have never heard of him before today, Kaddour Cadi was a professor of French and Theoretical Linguistics at the University of Fes... 

The Early Inhabitants of the Canary Islands

The Early Inhabitants of the Canary Islands
Statues of the Guanche Chiefs with king Mencey Tegueste in Candelaria the original inhabitants of Tenerife, Canary Islands “The very existence of a white people perpetuating an advanced Neolithic Culture in the 14th Century of our era in the extreme SW of the Old World was such an unaccountable oddity that the association of the Canary Islands with Atlantis became quite a logical presumption since the problem entered the field of erudite inquiry.... 

Abdelkarim Al Khattabi, a Cosmopolitan Leader

Abdelkarim Al Khattabi, a Cosmopolitan Leader
Abdelkarim Al Khattabi When Abdelkarim Al Khattabi passed away on February the 6th in 1963, after decades-long battles against imperialism, he was probably the best-known leader in the world. He is immensely popular as well as powerful and clever. His hallmark is ‘unity in diversity.’ A cosmopolitan vision encompasses the principles of social and economic justice, both within and between nations; non-adversarial decision making at all... 

Search for my father – Uprising in the Rif mountains

Search for my father – Uprising in the Rif mountains
Mohamed Amezian Fifty years ago, the people of Morocco’s Rif mountains rebelled against the central government. The uprising was brutally put down by the Moroccan army and many of the Rif mountains’ native Berbers left for Europe. The world’s media didn’t pay much attention to the 1958 rebellion, but it left its mark on many people’s lives, including that of Mohamed Amezian, son of the rebel leader. On 2 November 1958,... 

Apuleius (123 A.D – 180) the Famous Berber writer

Apuleius (123 A.D – 180) the Famous Berber writer
Apuleius We cannot talk about Berber literature without referring to Apuleius who belongs to an era where literature was at the dawn of its expansion before the Renaissance comes to the world. The fact that all his work is essentially bundled in one book, does not deny his importance in the Berber literature growth. Some even consider him as the father of the novel. His novel “ the Golden Ass “ is believed to be the first novel in the history,... 

«He fought like a Berber»: For whom the bell tolls by Ernest Hemingway

«He fought like a Berber»: For whom the bell tolls by Ernest Hemingway
For whom the bell tolls Book In his eleven-volume set of books, the story of civilization, Will Durant confirms that civilization thrives when the state of worry and unrest is over. That’s to say, when man gets rid of fear and anxiety, his natural motives of curiosity and creation become free and thus pave the way to understand life and make prosperity. The Berbers, throughout their history, have been targeted by many nations and empires; the Romans,... 

Yorkshireman Found to Share DNA with African Tribes

Yorkshireman Found to Share DNA with African Tribes
Top: Astonished Yorkshireman, John Revis. Below: Revis and wife. My dear Yorkshirewomen and Yorkshiremen, Believing that Berbers had been black is a big mistake. Egyptian paintings, Hirodotus’s writings, and many coin effigies of Berber Emperors and Kings prove that Berbers had never been black. Berbers share the same physical characteristics with Celts, Britons and the Romans. So please, no more silly things about the Berbers, the ancestors of... 

The Aith Waryaghar of the Moroccan Rif

The Aith Waryaghar of the Moroccan Rif
The Aith Waryaghar of the Moroccan Rif Book A new version of David Montgomery Hart’s “The Aith Waryaghar of the Moroccan Rif” has to be presented in Arabic language. The SMDN (The Voice of the Moroccan Democrats Resident in Nederland) has launched the Arabic version of the masterpiece mentioned above. “The Aith Waryaghar of the Moroccan Rif” written by the famous American anthropologist David Montgomery Hart was first... 
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