User Information:
As you visit our site, does not collect any personal identifying information about you. Your name, address, phone number, and email address all remain your private properties. Our server does, however, note non-personally identifying details such as, but not limited to, the server you are logged onto, the geographic location of the ISP you use, the type of browser you use, and your IP address. This information is obtained solely for the purpose of enhancing the over-all experience of the website for visitors, and is not shared with anyone or any other site.
There are instances where a user may provide specific personal information in a message to us or when registering for the message board. We do not require any personal information, and will remove it upon valid e-mail request from the user.
Message Board Registration:
Information you enter on the registration form for the message board will be viewable to the public. However, your e-mail address will never be viewable to the public (Unless you specify otherwise!). We will never share our registered members’ e-mail addresses with a third party. We reserve the right to notify you of important information via e-mail, but will use that option infrequently.
The message boards at use cookies to store the following information: the last time you logged in, your username and password, and your messages read/unread on each forum. These cookies are stored on your browser. No cookies are used by the message board software program to track your movement or perform any other function other than enhance your use of the message board. Optionally, you may browse the board without cookies, but it may interfere with your full use of the system. All cookies on the system expire 15 minutes (Unless you specify otherwise!) after you leave the site, and are never available to anyone, including administrators.
Third-Party Advertising Services: works with third parties that serve ads to this site. These companies also respect the privacy of individuals viewing our website.
Overall Policy:
It is our intention to support as much privacy as possible for our users and guests in all cases. Our goal is to provide a safe, friendly atmosphere for our visitors of all ages. While we do not have direct control over every user, we will utilise our administrative abilities to attempt to maintain this environment. No flaming, no baiting, and while we may at times be rude and insensitive, we won’t in any case allow that to extend to personal attacks on anyone.
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