Idir Concert – Festival Twiza Tanger 2010

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  1. fanne says:

    ayuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuz d tanmmirt i unazur amqran Idir,hmlaghk attas

  2. Naoual says:

    Too bad… I wasn`t there..
    But I don`t understand why the picture of the king is being showed on the stage.. It`s a AMAZIGH-festival..

    • pi says:

      you didn’t understand why the picture of the king is being showed on the stage????????????????? les oncles du king c du pures amazigh, la mere du king une amazigh, le festival c a tanger in the kingdom of morocco

  3. Danny says:

    Bravo! Idir’s music rules! Congratulations to Hamid, Tarik and the group. Much love from Miami Beach!

  4. Nadia says:

    I love Idir and would do anything to attend a live concert!! Please when and where is the next one? or how can I get his news so that I can schedule myself?

  5. goulmima says:

    tanmmirt i ayt ograw zg goulmima

  6. mohamed says:

    zeg imthghern (errachidia) thanmmirt marra imazighen n thmart negh thanmmirt 3awd isit negh agraw

  7. allawa says:

    kamel ya idir vive emazighen

  8. Munz says:

    Great…….just great !
    brings back lots f memories

  9. MUNZ says:

    I’m Circassian/Turkish/Arabic and love Hamid’s songs since 1980
    i attended a live concert in NYC,USA july 2009

  10. agram says:

    azul llan idsn midn dastaghlan tamazirt 3la 7sab lmasalih chkhsiya nsn , a quoi serre un festival n tmazight dis les drapaux bi3rabn , et aussi la tele n tmazight orditssoufigh ismn drapau amazigh illan ghour le public. ikhssa atisinm hat lmkhzn aya

  11. sirwaboys says:

    azul flawn aitma imazighen mn libya ar islands canaries artchkar bahra idir d issmouns

  12. lyazid says:

    ar nttalgh gmatngh andam amdyaz amazour amghnas amssi3r idir fomssaws+amyawas nss yattoyn fayyawn ozawan amazigh stiskfal yattoyn $omadal.tanmirt

  13. azul egmatnr lalgerie idir anzour mkorn rogdod amazegh ******************************************ayouzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  14. hicham says:

    Awesome !I just don t understand why some “amazighs” have problems with “i3raben”.we are all moroccan.we need to get united for the best of our country.

  15. على says:

    الامازيق شعب عريق زو حضاره وهو مكون اصيل للشعب الجزتئرى , العرب والامازيق هما كالقشطه والعسل معا يضيفان حلاوه لبعصهما البعض ارجو الابتعاد عن العنصريه
    رغم اننى لافهم الهجه الامازيقيه لكن هذه موسيقه رائعه

  16. youssef says:

    idir grand chanteur amazigh et je souhaite le visite le maroc surtout sud east de maroc par ce que il ya plusieur des gens qils aimes ses chancons

  17. Rafik says:

    Azul fellaouen a imazighen merra, touchant, tres touchant tous vos dire, je dois dire que j’ai grandis dans ma grande kabylie sur les chants d’idir (d’a l’hamid), et je connais ses chansons par coeur… afud igerzen a tout le monde. vive imazighen anda m’allan… vive le grand magreb… un kabyle…

  18. Jugurtha says:

    Ca fait plaisir de voir cette video et cela demontre bien we can make things happened .mes salutations pour mes freres imazighen du Rif ..vous avez fait un trs bon trvaille. et idir sera tjs un grand amazigh .

  19. tanumi idlan says:

    Bonne continuation a notre artiste Idir

  20. sàrà'h says:

    woooow veryyy n!!!!ce fiéstààà i love yàà idiiiir

  21. Yugrtn says:

    Tanmirt iwnazur amdyaz idir li yusin si3r n tmagit iymazighen

  22. rabah says:

    Who is the old lady next the barricades at 3:11 or 3:13 seconds into the video….?

  23. c’est magnifique
    je suis tellement fiere d’être amazigh vive notre culture elle est si belle

  24. ayouz i idir d imazighn dinna gak llan

  25. azul imazighn hat ortlli loqt n wad ntghnna batl islla kan lpratik dghik atfnou douniyt ourta nlli nkni srsat algitarn nagh tnkrmagh han hamid o3ouch d mstafa asaya gobniq han NBA nghant hat idda lhal orghourngh illi maynkhsr sg 2948 g immout M3TTOUB AYLLIGH NTTINI AYDNTTINI KAN LPRATIK ORILLI OOOOOOOOOOFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF

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