Archive for September, 2011

Abdelkrim et la guerre du Rif

Abdelkrim et la guerre du Rif
Views: 100266 - 16719 visitors  Read More →

The 90th Anniversary of the Republic of Rif

The 90th Anniversary of the Republic of Rif
The republic of Rif (1921-1926). Abdelkarim Al Khattabi It was in September 18th 1921, When the Republic of Rif was created and the Rifian declared their independence from the Spanish occupation in the northern part of Morocco. Abdelkarim Al Khattbi, was the man behind the unification of the Rifian tribes, and the leader of the rifian revolution against the Spanish occupation. The republic was a military and political association of tribes living... 

The Amazigh stars have warmed up the sky of Nador

The Amazigh stars have warmed up the sky of Nador
in this picture, Khalid Izri, Tarek Farih & Noumidia As it was expected, the second edition of the Mediterranean festival of Nador has brought back the warmth to this beautiful Mediterranean city that has been always longing to hug its stars.  Khalid Izri concert has been the most appreciated along with Tarek Farih & Noumidia. What characterized this festival is also the dueto that was performed by Khalid Izri & Tarek Farih. Such initiatives... 

Short film – Sellam et Demetan

Short film – Sellam et Demetan
Views: 76745 - 14527 visitors  Read More →

Ufrin – Taziri Tamiri

Ufrin – Taziri Tamiri
Views: 55124 - 14019 visitors  Read More →

Imetlaa in concert in Utrecht

Imetlaa in concert in Utrecht
Imetlaa in concert in Utrecht Imetlaa band is going to perform a live concert in Utrecht (Julianapark ) on the 11th of September 2011. This concert is programmed in the Colored Heart Festival, which is an annual event organized in Utrecht. There are four music bands that are going to participate in this event which are mentioned in the detailed program below. Besides the music there are also several free attractions: climbing wall, bouncy castle,... 

Nador Mediterranean festival in its 2nd edition

Nador Mediterranean festival in its 2nd edition
Nador Mediterranean festival 2011 The regional Mediterranean festival association announces the organization of the second edition of Nador Mediterranean festival under the slogan: “Nador in a meeting with the world”. This event will take place from 7 to 10 September, 2011. This edition music scene of the festival is featured by the prominent Amazigh music artists including Khalid Izri, Noumidia, and the laureate of studio 2m Tarik Fareh. Other national... 
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