Khalid Izri concert on France 3

Khalid Izri on France 3 - 21 September, 2010 at 22:30(French time)

Khalid Izri is invited to the third season of MEZZO VOCE a program broadcasted on France 3. MEZZO VOCE  is aimed to give an opportunity to the artists that defend an identity, language or culture to express themselves in an intimate concert where the public and the artist are in one sphere.

The program is broadcasted in a sequence of seasons; the third season will start on the 21st of September 2010. This time MEZO VOCE has invited the Amazigh prominent artist Khalid IZRI, who is one of the artists that paves the way for the Amazigh music towards the world music.

The following video is an extract from the concert:

Details you might need to watch this program:

Passage de l’émission MEZZO VOCE sur FRANCE 3 avec comme invité le Groupe KHALID IZRI

La réception de la chaîne Via Stella,

Par canal Sat: chaîne 293

Par Internet:

Free: canal 309
Neuf: canal 310
Orange: canal 220

La première diffusion de l’émission se fera le 21 septembre à 22h30 ( Heure de France)

Views: 12414 - 3514 visitors


  1. VirusBam says:

    Attention faut fair attention, la soiré ne sera pas difusé sur France 3. mais sur Via stella

    Via stella se trouve sur:
    – Astra 1H / Astra 1KR / Astra 1L / Astra 1M (19.2°E)
    12728.50 V 22000 5/6
    – Atlantic Bird 3 (5.0W)
    11016.00 H 27500 2/3

    Les deux chaines sont cryptées ….
    bonne chance pour les voir

  2. ilmas says:

    imthghren tanmmirt i xalid izri anazur amqwran


  4. ahidar says:

    merci khalid oma you are the best bravo bravo chak amiss nariff irizan

  5. moha says:

    ayuuuuz khalid oma tanmirth azul mara imazighan

  6. ali bninsar says:

    viva khalid atmanig atasad ga bninsar ancha alah mara yachtab

  7. je suis tres content de vous ecouter
    …c est une belle chansson…bonne continuation….encore et encore ….on se verra inchaalah a dar el kebdani

  8. rimath says:

    imazighan are the best you are the best ijichak arabi dama3ran a khalid a izri amiss narif ino

  9. arfis says:

    لوحة فنية ل خالد ايزري

  10. azul aythma imzighen , vive les vrai rif ihoryan , omathnar khalid tamnir atirid amlih atas manmsaga , tamnir akach amlih ench3alah . la la la lta3rib irfien , mani ijan iwdan ijnhar nrah ag ighbyan azullllll

  11. samra says:

    bravo khalid izri!! i
    nachin di mazighen et fiers de l’être!!

  12. primavera bxl says:

    azul kolchi imazighen khalid neh on t’encourage you are the best este cançion es magnifico be continued ………… 🙂

  13. simo says:

    ahlan khalid izri mlih chi ma chak afdal moghani darifi zrikht gi lhayatino wlh ila bravo 3lik o tba3kalah 3andak sawt makaynch khoh fl3alam

  14. todat says:

    azul khalid izri viva iyamach kho ranij a

  15. bravo khalid izri!! i nachin di mazighen et fiers de l’être!!

  16. Avis Maxwell says:

    bravo khalid izri!! i nachin di mazighen et fiers de l’être!!

  17. amin says:

    azul el mejor artista de elmundo .

  18. Amazighi says:

    Waw Khalid on Mezzo well done Khalid, it taks mybe time but we will be there imazighen will have a voice in the world. keep ongoing !

  19. Amtolou3 says:

    The best amazigh singer ever.

  20. azul marra khimazighan ou ijan wazul dama9ran khomatnagh khalid oumi ghayani arbi di ra3ma ou asyani digsouraf nas ghazzatounachin irifyan rabda rzzat uanadikircha 3amass rataffa viv riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiif

  21. achteeb says:

    aazul marra imazeghan mani ma jjan.bravo bravo khalid izri ayuu uuuz swattas

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