Thghrast is preparing to release its first album, which will be available in the markets in the coming weeks. This album is a fruit of two years of hard work by the band members who were supported by Maghreb Athaqafat, the association in charge of organizing Mawazine festival, to record their first album. The music of Thahrast is characterized by the richness of its musical styles ranging from the Rifian Traditional music to Gnawa and modern western styles. The themes of the songs composing this album are touching different topics related to universal values such as love, freedom, and dignity.
Thaghrast is one of the most prominent bands in Morocco, That is seen by their numerous participation in many high standing festivities such As Mawazine festival in 2009. In addition to that Thaghrast won the first price in Mawazine competition in 2008.
Thaghrast, and many other local bands in Al Hoceima, are facing many challenges that menace their continuity. Among the challenges the bands face are the absence of official support, the absence of locals where these bands could work on their music, and also the absence of artistic production companies that would encourage this type of music.
Celebrating the international day for music; Thaghrast, as one of the the best twelve Moroccan bands in the last two years, is invited to participate in the third edition of the Maroc Hit Parade Festival on the 21st of June 2010 in Rabat. This event is organized by DimaMaroc association in Rabat.
Written by Jamal TORO
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