Thifswen Participates in the Amazigh Festival of Theater in Tizi Ouzzou


Thifswen association for the Amazigh Theater in Al Hoceima has participated in the first edition of the Amazigh Theater in Tizi Ouzzou that took place from the 7th to the 12th of May 2009. This Festival is an initiative of the Regional Theater of Tizi Ouzzou. The aim of this festival was to give a chance to the Amazigh troops of theater to meet in Tizi Ouzzou to exchange ideas and methods or improving the Amazigh Theater and paving its way to go international.
Among the activities of this festival were conferences that were guided by experts in the field such as Abdelkarim Berchid, Khalid Bouyachou, and others. In addition to that Tafokt from Casablanca presented its monologue and the regional theater group of Begayet presented some of its successful plays such as “Uzo n Tayri “.

Thifswen presented its play “Taslit n Uzru” for the first time in Kabylia. “It was such a great and rich experience that we have always dreamed about” said Ahmed Samar, the president of Thifswen troop.

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