Imetlaâ, a bridge between Traditional and Modern Music

Imetlaâ, a bridge between Traditional and Modern Music

After the successful project with the flamingo group NL Mundo, in which they searched for cultural, historical and above all musical connections between two coasts of the Mediterranean Sea that brought us together and apart throughout history, Imetlaa are now working on a new project which aims to explore the different musical styles in North Africa. Imetlaa will cooperate with the traditional band Tarwa n Chigh Muhand (Imedyazen).
Moreover, Imetlaa is also going to work with Intersection, a Dutch Amazigh Rap group, one of the first Rap groups that sang Tamazight, Dutch and English in Rap.
With this project, Imetlaa will form a bridge between tradition and contemporary modern music. These rhythms, styles and musical harmonies will co-enhance each other.

Tarwa n Chikh Muhend

Tarwa n Chikh Muhend, sons of deceased maestro Muhend, from whom they received a great musical knowledge and the ability to play traditional instruments like the Ghita and Azzamar. This band is one of the few troubadours from the Rif (Morocco) who still promote this traditional Musical style. That’s why they are seen as the treasure keepers of the Amazigh heritage; especially the Riffian rhythm and poetry, which results from the oral tradition, better known as Izran (old poetry and songs, inherited from father to son).


Intersection is a Dutch Amazigh Rap group that sings in Dutch, English and Tamazight. They were one of the first to Rap groups that first sang in Tamazight. They have also worked with the famous artist Youssou N’dour, from Senegal.


The core of music style of Imetlaâ is traditional Amazigh music from the Rif region; with respect to this core Imetlaâ has inspired itself by numerous world music styles. Nowdays, they are seen to be as a cosmopolite music group.
Imetlaa have released two albums so far. The first album was entiteled “Ad niri” and the second one was a project realized with the famous flamingo musical band NL Mundo, which was entitled “Izran”.

Everyone is invited to see the current project of Imetlaa live on the following dates:

Amsterdam 18/01/2009 Podium Mozaïek
Utrecht 24/01/2009 Stadschouwburg Utrecht
Dordrecht 25/01/2009 Schouwburg Kunstmin

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