Archive for May, 2007

Karim El Marssi: A new voice with a new style

Karim El Marssi: A new voice with a new style
Karim El Marssi: A new voice with a new style Karim El Marssi is not to be seen as a new emerging voice if we consider him as an innovative member whose artistic life began in the late nineties. His music coincided with the appearance of the Amazigh movements as he participated in many different meetings which were held by different national and international Amazigh associations such as Thnukra‚The association of research and cultural exchange?…... 

Rifian Resistance Poetry

Rifian Resistance Poetry
Rifain Resistance Poetry Amazigh tradition in the Rif has a very rich stock of resistance poetry. Towards the close of the 19th century the area was rocked by tensions producing total disorder, at the time of Spanish colonial encroachment. Living in a traditional, strictly egalitarian society, the Rifian has had little use for intrusive, external forces, be they the Makhzen, or a colonial power. His seemingly ’dissident’... 
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