Interview with Said Zerwali

Said Zerwali

Following the same path of Khalid Izri and Lwalid Mimoun, Said Zerwali, a young talented singer from Berkane, has recently emerged in the world of the Amazigh music. He is 35 and has just released his first album ‘ Mayemi'(Why?). Said’s first contact with music was in his early childhood. He played music with his friends in the streets of Berkane, where playing the guitar was very frequent in this small Mediterranean city. To produce his first album, Said had to look for several editors in Berkane and Nador. But his style was problematic for these editors, for they preferred only dance music, music which they think it would make money, and they wholly rejected politicized music to the extent they feared it. His album of six titles was a fruit of many years of work; it is a simple call for fighting for the freedom of Imazighen and their rights. Here is an interview we have done with this talented Amazigh artist. Azul Brother Said Zerwali, And thank you for this interview.

Zerwali: Azul, thanks to you Brother Mohammed. First, tell us a bit about yourself?

Zerwali: Said Zerwali is a 35 years old Amazigh singer from Berkane. How was your start with music? Were you inspired by anyone?

Zerwali: Since my early childhood I dreamt of being a singer. I used to listen to different music styles ranging from classical, traditional, modern, local and international, and I tried to arrive at a very simple style of music. What is your own philosophy behind singing, i.e., why do you sing?

Zerwali: I am looking for light in darkness, I want to know what is good from what is bad, I want to like those who like us, I want to see tomorrow what I missed yesterday, I want to see colors, and I want to be. What is your view of the Amazigh music in the Rif?

Zerwali: If I am to speak about the Amazigh conservative music, I find it between difficulties in production and problems of distribution. I think that local music producers still don’t give much importance to the conservative music. For this reason, this kind of music depends much on distribution. How do you see the future of Amazigh music?

Zerwali: The future of the Amazigh song is in the hands of singers, poets and the audience.
Here I want to mention that the conservative music represents the face of truth of our knowledge. Can you please tell us something about your first album ‘Mayemi’, how did you manage to produce it? And what are the difficulties you faced?

Zerwali: I faced many problems in my first album, but I don’t want to get into these details for all people know what kinds of problems artists encounter in general. I really hope that someday I’ll wake up in the morning and find these problems no more existing. Have you got any new work? When will it be released?

Zerwali: I am currently working on my second album, it contains many titles which I am still working on, I haven’t started recording yet, and whenever it is done it will be available in the markets. What do you want to achieve in your life by doing music?

Zerwali: I hope that my music will be a path to freedom and life that unites all hearts. Now brother Said we’ve reached the end of our talk, thank you so much, and we wish you all the best with your music.

Zerwali: Thanks alot brother Mohammed, I hope I have replied to all your questions, and I appreciate your efforts.

Here is the interview in Tamazight Umathnagh Said Zerwali, n’tqadacek umi ikinax thaggid amerqi ya?

Zerwali: azul.. atkadach umatnagh mu7ammed.. Xomazwaru umathnagh Said, Iniyanagh chwayt xyaxfanec.

Zerwali: said ezzerouali d’amaghnaj amazigh 35 ans , zi berkane Mamec istaggid thabdid di Music ( madini chan had thisid azayas insperation ) ?

Zerwali: zi tamzayt tugha assitam inu adiligh d’amaghnaj .. sligh
attass n les styles musicale.. (classique..traditional..moderne..)..zi lma7ali al l3alami.. e7awlagh adawdagh gha ijan style simple.. Minta3na alfalsafa anec ( Mayemmi itghanajad )?

Zerwali: razough kh tfawt di tallast , razough adkhssagh wanidan
, razough adzragh min ya7lane di min wayahli , razough tiwacha adazragh min wazrigh idanad , razough adazragh les couleurs , razough adiligh.. Mamec itwarid Aghanij Amazigh di Arif?

Zerwali: malla siwlagh khughanij amazigh engagé , tafaght jar
amarni nel intaj d’umarni nelmachakil netawzi3 .. nec .. twaligh balli lintaj ma7alli attass ewayassin lkimat n’ughanij engagé .. khuyu yatghima aghanij unin d’ana7bouss netawzigh.. Mamec itwarid lmosta9bal nughanij Amazigh?

Zerwali: lmouslakbal n’ughanij amazigh kat jar ifassen
n’imaghnaj d’izlaweyen d’aljamhour .. eda khssagh adinigh aghanij engagé yatghima netta d’udam n tidet n tussna negh .. Thzamad adanax thinid chwayt x Album anec amezwaru ” mayemmi” mamec isthaggid hatarmi itid asufghad? Mina3nan lmachkil ithar9id akidas?

Zerwali: di album amazwar ufigh attass nelmachakil .. macha
wakhssagh adadfagh di tafassil nssen , la7akach marra iwdan snen lmachakil ittafen les artistes elmachakil unin d’ikdiman attass , sitimagh idjou mour adakragh ghasba7 ucha
waten tifagh … Ruxa ghak cha nejdid? Marmi idghathasofghad gha so9?

Zerwali: lakhu ka khadmagh kh l’album wis 2 , din bezzaf n
les titres ekayi 3ad khadmagh khassen ,3ad wabdigh tasjil , emalmima yawjad adyaffegh gha souk.. Mintasitemed dhi thudad s raghnuj anec?

Zerwali: sitimegh bach laghnuj inu adilin d’abrid gha tilalli
d tudert adiss mounene ka3 ulawan … Umathnax said ruxa nawad ghawmagar nomsawar anax. Ntqadac attas unasitemas inchallah ijan wabrid dasabhan di yar n ughanij Amazigh.

Zerwali: sa7it umatnegh mu7amed ..sitimegh adiligh righd kh marra
(issakssiten) ..enatkadach kh tizammar ittaggad..

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