Amazigh TV has been launched through the Internet on the 13th of January 2007. This unique television channel is going to daily broadcast programmes in Tamazight (Berber), the mother tongue of the vast majority of the Moroccans in the Netherlands. With the coming of this private channel, for the first time in the Netherlands the wish of this target group to watch programmes in their mother tongue is being granted. Amazigh TV is an independent television channel which is initiated in the Netherlands.
The formerly almost unreachable Berber group will have access to informative, educational and entertainment programmes through Amazigh TV. With its multicultural programming Amazigh TV tries to form a bridge between several cultural groups in our country and Europe and North Africa. Emancipation, participation and integration are matters Amazigh TV feels very strongly about.
Amazigh TV is also reaching Berbers in the rest of Europe and North Africa as it is broadcasting through the Internet. In Europe, the population of Europeans of Moroccan origin exists of more than 1.5 million people of whom more than 65% is of Amazigh origin.
For more information you can contact:
Amazigh TV
Australiëlaan 14
3526 AB Utrecht
The Netherlands
Telephone: +31 (0)900-2629444
Fax: +31 (0)30-2673508
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