M.C.A Amazigh Days in Tangiers

M.C.A Amazigh Days in Tangiers

As a perpetuation of the 26th memory of the Amazigh spring, the Amazigh cultural movement in Tanjiss organized cultural days which started the 24th and ended on the 26th April 2006 under the motto: “Tamazight’s equity is a bet for any real democratic movement�. The first day was organized in the faculty of Law where an exposition of different books and publications took place. Also some plastic panels were exposed by Araghi group.
In the evening the students had a meeting in a conference about “The Armed resistance” and “the liberation army” (Jaych tahrir) guided by the Amazigh researcher Mohamed Zahid and professor Ahmed Murabit who tried to touch this issue from a historical point of view by giving a hint about the Armed resistance and the liberation army and the political reasons after their appearance and also the big role which they played to fight against the colonizer. At the end they emphasized that there is no conciliation without considering the Moroccan entity and its national symbols.

At night the university campus witnessed an exposition of books and some plastic panels in an addition to a gathering of students where they discussed: “the Amazigh Cultural movement as an addition to the students movement�

Second day: Faculty of Law

During the second day The Araghi group exposed books, publications as well as some of their plastic panels, there was also a discussion about the Amazigh case by some students. At night, the students attended a conference about “Tamazight and politics in Morocco� held by professors Samir Murabit and Mohamed Anaissi. Samir Murabit approached the issue of Tamazight and politics and also talked about the Amazigh cultural movement and its political work. On the other side, Professor Mohamed Anaissa (Afdjah) talked about the project of the democratic movement and the political situation in Morocco and its relation to the Amazigh case.

Third day: Faculty of Law

As an ending to its cultural days, the Amazigh cultural movement organized a concert where many Amazigh pioneer artists participated in addition to some talented students who participated with poetry and music.

Photos from the event

Written by M.C.A Tanger
Translated to English by Hicham Boughaba

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