Archive for February, 2006

The Loss of Amazigh Identity

The Loss of Amazigh Identity
Amzigh identity Nowadays, the fact that the world becomes like a small village, people lose their identities without being aware of it. These people are affected either internally or externally. They lose their language, customs, religion… However, the Amazigh people are one of those peoples which are victims of certain factors. Imazighen are pushed to fall in such trap. Imazighen established for their history in North Africa many centuries... 

Commemorating Ibn Khaldun

Commemorating Ibn Khaldun
“Call to erect tomb and statue for Ibn Khaldun” announced Al- Ahram’s editorial on 14 May 1932. The writer, Ahmed Zaki Pasha, had learned that “the brave youth and distinguished elders of Tunisia, whose great fortune it is to boast the historical figure after whom their Khaldun Society is named, have set their minds upon organising a celebration to commemorate this genius who disseminated the rays of knowledge among... 

The human rights status of the Tamazight Speaking in Libya

The human rights status of the Tamazight Speaking in Libya
Libya This report is released to the United Nation’s Economic and Social Council sub-commission in order to present an important missing part of Human Rights violation issues and clarify the valuable aspiration of Imazighen (Berber) people of Libya. The human rights status of the Tamazight Speaking in Libya was submitted by The Libyan Working Group to the Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights-Geneva in May... 

The New Mass Media and the Shaping of Amazigh Identity

The New Mass Media and the Shaping of Amazigh Identity
Amzigh Identity First, this paper describes the Amazigh people of North Africa and threats to their language and culture from schooling and the domination of Arabo-Islamic ideology. Second, it discusses how modern technology is amplifying cultural safeguards, such as folklore, music, and some print media. Then the idea is developed that inherent in these new communication technologies is something more than an amplifier of the traditional, something... 
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